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Most Recent Newsletter

We have been operating as an outreach to the local Idaho Falls area for six years now. Our Mother organization, Christ Charismatic Liturgical Church, has been a part of everything.

It is our belief that God made all creation as a reflection of the Godhead. Therefore, we strive to care for and to give justice to all creatures and the poor. We network with other organizations, and provide advocacy for both the animal and the human population.

We also provide massage and holistic herbal and Chinese remedies for the health of other animals.




Katey Farnes was kidnapped by her mother from State Protective Custody in Idaho two years ago this April. Monte Farnes had his daughter returned to him one year ago this January. Julie Butterfield, the mother, was convicted of felony counts of Custodial Interference against Monte Farnes and/or the State of Idaho March 29, 2001. Making that 2 felony counts.

Ms. Butterfield on May 21,2001 was sentenced to 7 years probation, with 90 days to be served as well as mandatory psychiatric evaluation and care. Neither of which she has done. She was also told to go before Judge Kennedy and Judge Blower and receive sentencing and serve charges of Contempt of Court.

The court proceedings were very interesting. Julie was reprimanded by the Judge for a pattern of deliberately disobeying court orders, and making comments that she will never do what she is told. Both the prosecutor and the judge stated that she obviously had a psychological problem with sex, and that she was paranoid. Health and Welfare was reprimanded by the judge as being cheap and irresponsible for using the Kempe report and not flying an expert into examine everyone one involved. He also cross examined Colleen Nadauld on her claims of being an expert witness, and why she was involved with the Butterfield case at all. Ms. Nadauld admitted to having no formal training or education in dealing with child sex abuse. He wanted to know why she hadn't immediately refered Ms. Butterfield's case to Health and Welfare since she had NO expertise in this matter. The judge also admonished the press for it's superficial coverage of the events of the trial and chided them for not reading the facts of the case.

Monte testified beautifully. He stood up to the accusations by Ms. Butterfield's lawyer that he had molested his daughter, and brought up the issue of Glen 'Beau' Paine, and Katie's half brother Nate molesting her instead. He was able to defend himself against accusations that he hadn't allowed Julie visitation. Mr. Stosich was put on the spot with his own evidence of a letter from Monte's former lawyer Scott Hall, telling him it was inappropriate for a public appointed criminal lawyer to work on a civil custodial matter. The Judge stated that the document stood for itself, in reply to the Prosecutor's objection and sustained it.

The question going now, that we are bringing up on several fronts are these:1)Why is Glen 'Beau' Paine still free and unregistered as a sex offender? 2)Why does no one in the State of Idaho (Attorney General, County Prosecutoring Attorney, the Idaho Falls Police)know what the statute of limitations is on discovery and admission of a child sex crime? 3)Why are the Press, namely Channel 6 and The Post Register printing and reporting facts of the case that are untrue, and not supported by the 'PUBLIC' record? Why are they using confidential, illegal files? 4) Why has no one interviewed or investigated Julie and Nate for the accusations that Katie made to Dr. C.Y. Robe, that Nate sexually molested her? 5) Why has Health and Welfare, the press, and law enforcement ignored the expert advice of STATE appointed examiners - Dr. C.Y. Robe, and Dr. Chapui. 6)Why is the press printing false statements that Rep. Leorschter, and Judge Kennedy met in chambers for the custody hearing that sent Julie fleeing the state? 7)Why are they trying to ruin public officials careers without fact or evidence, but no one has printed anything positive for Monte Farnes?

Monte Farnes passed all the tests. He complied with every humiliating investigative tactic required of him. NO OFFICIAL of the State could prove ANY evidence of the allegations that Julie has continued to make. However, Glen 'Beau' Paine, and Julie Butterfield still remain the darlings of the area. Please don't forget to pray for Monte as he tries to return to normal life,and his upcoming civil suits.

Monte's finances have been devestated for this fight for his daughter. He is now living in Utah, and cannot return to Idaho for anything but business. His assets have been liquidated long ago for legal expenses. Now due to all that has been done, he cannot return to live in his home town.


UPDATE!!!! Monte has been forced into a mediated supervised visitation with Julie her parole officer, her legal Utah counsel, and Dr. C.Y. Roby. Thanks to Judge Blower's 'kindness' in putting the supervised custody clause for the award of custody, Monte will be forced to do this. However, the meeting will be video taped. We pray that Katey will be brave and strong enough to confront her mother on the issue of her brother molesting her and whatever it is that Julie did during the kidnapping that Katey says she should be in jail for doing.

Katey is wetting the bed and hiding behind the teacher at school, saying the cops are going to get her. Why is no one considering what Katey wants? Hopefully, Monte will prove that seeing Julie is detrimental to Katey's well being. If Julie is such a good mother, why no birthday cards, no Christmas gifts no phone calls from Nate? After all Nate was talking on the phone with Katey before Julie prevented him from returning to his dad. Please pray for little Katey! How much more must she suffer? Continue to contact officials and the FBI and ask why Julie is being allowed to harass Monte, and why Glen 'Bo' Paine is still running free, and why Colleen Naduald and Victor Rodriguez are not behind bars for Criminal Conspiracy, and Obstruction of Justice? Also, WHY HAS TAMMY WHITE NOT BEEN FIRED, ACCORDING TO STATE LAW OF VIOLATION OF HEALTH AND WELFARE LAW? PLEASE ASK THE OFFICIAL BELOW, THE STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL-WHY!!!! 

Julie is still pursuing Monte, but one wonders how long it will be before she is in jail for violating her probation while doing so. Tammy White of Health and Welfare is under scrutiny when Rep. Leorschter handed Gail Mattson, new head of Health and Welfare of Idaho Falls, proof of confidential documents belonging to H & W faxed from Tammy White's office to Colleen Nadauld, former President of Help Inc. The new head of the Idaho Falls Health & Welfare still has not done anything to Tammy White. She is still a social worker for H&W. As far as we know she has never even been reprimanded, put on suspension or been given any punishment for 1)putting Katey back into the care of her mother while in State Protective Custody. 2)Informing the mother ahead of time of the courts decision to drop the charges against Monte, which were the very things that encouraged, and enabled Julie to run, 3)Faxing confidential files to parties not a part of Health & Welfare. We are waiting! State of Idaho, are you going to do anything about this? We are calling for a State wide audit of H&W by the state congress. Please pray for this situation! NEW!NEW!NEW!NEW! Health and Welfare are under scrutiny again! A toddler was murdered by the boyfriend inspite of the biological father's four reports of child abuse(WITH PICTURES-OBVIOUS ONES)in the past four months!!!!!When is Health and Welfare going to be investigated?! Call your state Reps for this!!!!!


Trimelda McDaniels, our Pastor, was on the KIDK 590, Trish and Halli show, July 5 at 4PM. It was a record, first time 2 hour show.

She read from the court records and depositions, all the particulars in the case. Including Glen 'Bo' Paine's admissions, and the intentions of Julie to marry him. She also read from the police reports submitted by Victor Rodriguez that there was no FBI Missing Persons Database(it's been up and running since 1994). She also read from his police report of calling the Missing Persons hotlines, that their records say he told them Julie was getting full custody, and had temporary custody. She also read from the court document, witnessed in front of Judge Linda Cook, that Victor testified for a warrant for her arrest, that Julie did not have custody, but Monte and the State did. She also mentioned the transcript of Julie's Criminal trial, where Victor testified that he had been confused about whether she had custody or not. Hey Victor, which is it?

Victor Rodriguez called the show the next day, citing that Trimelda, and Trish & Halli were liars,that they were making it all up. That the documents were from the civil case involving Monte's polygraphs, and that he actually failed the criminal polygraphs.

Uh oh, Victor better hope that Steve Watts(who gave two of the polygraphs) and Dr. C.Y. Robe(who saw the results of the 2nd)don't have time to go on the Trish and Holli show. It seems that these ladies are seriously considering it. Also, hey Victor, how about a debate on their show with Trimelda and the Sheriff of Bonneville County? Just an idea!

Not the criminal one. HUH? There is only one case - CRIMINAL.

Monte's lawyer Curtis Holmes is going to file at least 3 tortes. Charges will be - Defamation of Character, Libel, and Slander. Charges will be filed against Victor Rodriguez-formerly of Bonneville County Sheriff's Department, Colleen Nadauld-formerly of Help INC. Go to it Curtis! Please pray for speedy JUSTICE in this matter.

Please pray for swift justice for Monte in repairing his liabilities, and his reputation.

Contact the Post Register of Idaho Falls, Idaho - 333 Northgate Mile, Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401 - (208)522-1800 - Dean Miller,managing editor - dmiller@idahonews.com or mtrillhaase@idahonews.com - Demand that they print retractions, and that they report what Julie Butterfield and Colleen Nadauld, Victor Rodriguez, and Health and Welfare have done.

Contact the Idaho Attorney General - Alan G. Lance - 700 W. Jefferson Street,P.O. Bo 83720, Boise, ID 83720-0010 - constituent inquiry@ag.state.id.us- Demand that he investigate these agencies and their involvement in the kidnapping of Katie and harassment of Monte Farnes. Agencies to investigate - State Health and Welfare - agent,Tammy White, Help Inc. - Colleen Naduald, Detective Victor Rodriguez, formerly Bonneville County Sheriff's deputy, Glen 'Beau'Paine ( there is no statute of limitation on child sex crime - Beau admitted to molesting two other children in a court deposition).

Please check out our website on the facts of the case, in our links section below - Justice For All?

If you are interested in the facts of the case, please contact Pastor Trimelda McDaniels on her church page of Christ Charismatic Liturgical Church, listed below in the links.


Our Patron Saint of our organization is St. Francis of Paola. He was the founder of a small order called the 'Minims'. They are a monastic order that practices vegan vegetarianism. His ministry was about minimalism, simplicity, and the love of God. Every miracle that happened for St. Francis of Paola was performed in the name of 'Charity'.

Two of the most spectacular miracles that happened for St. Francis were the events surrounding his pet lamb, and fish. His lamb was butchered and cooked by accident, during one of his monastery's construction. When St. Francis found his lamb it was nothing more than some charred pieces of meat and bones on the fire. He asked that God in the name of Charity would help him. He was very sad that he had lost his lamb. Right before the men who had eaten the lamb, and the other workers and monks, the lamb was resurrected and brought back whole.

The second was when his fish, Angelou, was caught and cooked by a local villager. When Francis sent one of his monks to retrieve the body, the villager had already cooked Angelou and was preparing to sit down and eat him. When the little monk asked for the fish back, the villager in disgust threw the fish down on the floor breaking the cooked body into pieces. The little monk picked it up in pieces the best that he could and returned him to Francis. Fancis asked for God to restore him in the name of Charity, and before the people the fish was resurrected and placed back in the pond. St. Francis was heard to tell both resurrected animals that 'people are cruel, avoid them', and after that they never came near people unless St. Francis was there.

St. Francis of Assisi, the founder of the Francisan order is well known for his love of nature and animals. It is his simplicity of Love for Christ that we like to embrace. It is his reverence for the Creations of God that we model ourselves after.

Life has value. It is not for us to determine whether that being has the right or the quality of life that we feel comfortable or uncomfortable with. God is the ruler of all, and so as members of PAUX, we try to let all things have dignity in life as well as death.

Francis is well known for his taming of a village wolf. He had heard that the village was being terrorized,and when he arrived, he noticed that everyone was indoors and the shutters closed. When he asked someone scurrying for a door why they had closed up the down in the middle of the day, the poor person was to exclaim that a wild wolf was in the middle of town trying to kill them.

At one point the villagers gathered together with torches and formed a group of men that would go together to kill this wolf. Francis being such a kind individual asked if he might first go out and see the wolf. Everyone feared for his safety, and thought it foolish, but allowed him to go. Francis was a very sweet person and it was hard to deny him anything.

Francis went into the nearby trees. There he encountered a very large wolf. He asked the wolf why it was killing the villagers.(St. Francis had the gift of speaking and understanding animals)The wolf told him that he had an injury, and was very hungry, and that the people continued to throw rocks at him whenever they saw him. He couldn't find scraps, so he decided to eat them instead.

Francis went to the villagers and told them that if they were to feed the wolf scraps at the edge of the village and not throw rocks at him, then the wolf would not eat them. The villagers did so, and the wolf stopped killing them.

When St. Francis went to another town for a week, the village forgot what they had promised and they would throw rocks at the wolf once again, and once again the wolf began to kill them.

When St. Francis returned he was apalled. He immediately made the villagers stop what they were doing. He returned to the trees and talked to the wolf, apologizing for the thoughtlessness and cruelty of the village. The wolf and Francis made an agreement, that he would protect the village from harm all the days of his life, if they would feed him and be kind. St. Francis told the villagers, who agreed to do so once again. Only this time they did not forget.

As time went on the wolf saved the village from marauders and protected the children from wild animals. When the wolf died, he and his mate left behind a litter of cubs, who to this day, after each generation stay near this village in Italy. They each in turn guard the village, and the villagers feed them small meat scraps.

It is because of this story, that you see St. Francis with what looks like a large dog.

All life is sacred, all life has a 'will'. When we respect the life of other beings, we honor God and His love for us. May God bless you with this story, and give you the ability to give back dignity to those around you. May you learn to love God by the simple things in life, the air, the trees, or just the small animals in your back yard. In embracing God's creation, we embrace Him, as He embraced us on the Cross of Calvary. Selah.

St. Francis of Assisi is our other patron. I will post more stories later. He is our model for working with the poor, and with people and animals for justice, as our sisters and brothers.


I have been praying for the direction of my horse ministry. I will continue to do what I am doing now. But I have realized there are several issues that we as Christians need to address or realize. I think prayer and treating our horses as partners, not creatures we are in charge of is important. I want to bring that home through helping others to bond with their animals in a new way, through some Christ centered exercises and contempletive prayer. I will be working to set up these new ideas that I am just now realizing are so important, and implementing them into a seminar format. I want to offer a solution to horse people that brings them and their horses more than just getting along, but something transcendant that brings Jesus into the center of the relationship between horse and rider. Let me know what you think. Please pray for me as I work on this endeavor

We are nearing the fruition of our dreams for Sangria, a place that Christ Charismatic and Paux can minister. Please pray for us as we go into the final stages of financing that God's blessings pour out to fulfill the vision He has given us. Also please leave either a message on our guestbook of Paux News, or the All About Me-AAAHH! page, or email me, and let me know who you would like to see as a guest speaker for a seminar once we open.
I was thinking of Montey Roberts, and Gwani PonyBoy. Tell me what you think, and give suggestions. Also, I am going to look for a holistic vet to give a clinic, and well as my seminar on massage, and nutrition for rehabilitation and lengthening the lives and usefulness of our trusty steeds.


2Tbsp of Garlic - powdered
1Tsp of Sage - table kind, and/or desert kind
Put in the feed or grain once a day for 10 days to clear up parasites.


Baron, my Doberman mix, of 15 years passed away on the feast day of the Holy Cross, September 14, 2000. He is deeply mourned by my family of four people and six dogs. Baron was an angel, always well behaved, and always protective. He was a blessing to our family and we will miss him. He left us peacefully in the arms of our Pastor, amidst the licks and howls of his peers. We thank God for his years with us. Good bye my beloved friend!

Baron's picture is posted with my other dogs on my Inner Sanctum Page, there is a link below. It is in the Dog Pack section. God rest his soul. I miss him.


PAUX - People and Animals United in Christ

My private email for Deaconess matters is - Deaconess1@angelfire.com

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