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Who We Are, Where We've Been

We are not very old. We have been up and running about nine years. I got this group started through the grief of loosing my beautiful 8 year old German Shepherd to cancer, and becoming a Liturgical Christian at the same time. Through both, PAUX has evolved into a multi-faceted group. Our biggest service is legal advocacy and holistic solutions that work with already established medicine and medical persons. I wanted to rescue every animal I saw at first, but gradually I became aware I was just one person, and God was still in control. So now I take care of those I can, try not to harm those I can avoid, and helping those who cannot help themselves when it is within my power to do so. All creation belongs to God, and so we refer alot of our toughest cases to His Tender Mercy. If I can't do it, I'm not afraid to send the person or creature to another. Networking is our lifeblood at times.

St. Francis of Paola is our Patron Saint. He was a vegetarian, in a time when excess was what his superiors were into. He had both his pets killed by people trying to eat them, and God resurrected them from the dead. He was transported across water to reach an appointment, by throwing his cloak on the water. He went to sleep exhausted at working on one of the many monastery's that he was asked to build as his order, the Minims, grew. During the night, the angels built it for him, and when he and the monks awoke the next morning, the monastery was completely built. So you can see why we would pick St. Francis for our patron.


We've rescued over 200 animals in the past few years. Many of them ducks and geese. Believe it or not, 150 ducks and geese were our first rescue. People told us we couldn't stop the city from butchering them. We said our usual thing 'there's got to be something that we can do!'. And there was. The Mayor had let the liability insurance for the city get dropped, and the regional director of the USDA liked to feed the fowl when he brought his daughter to the Mormon temple. Put that together with God's Mercy, and what do you have? 400 homes for the birds, and a Humane Society getting split due to corruption, and an animal control personell getting his proper retirement instead of political rail roading. Whew! Can God cook? All I can say, is when God is involved, cruel people get out of the way. 150 ducks and geese adopted with people to spare, two Humane Societies instead of one,and a President of one ousted, and a railroaded city employee getting his due retirement, watch and all! Wow! God 4 wins, 0 losses!