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The Here, the Now and the Future

What we're up to, what we hope for, and what we are dreaming of and setting goals for....

Recent Events

August 2002

We are slowly, but surely receiving funding for all the funding linked to PAUX and our church as well as PATA.

Please keep checking our links and praising God with us as we fulfill His will in feeding the poor, taking care of the sick, serving justice to those without, and mercy to those who need it.

We will be posting more later, when PATA is funded. We will be receiving some funding through Christ Charismatic Liturgical Church to go further with our project.


Upcoming Events

We are receiving our funding bit by bit. We have a benefactor to send our PATA polit to Africa. We are able to start paying some of the bills due.
Keep checking back as we detail the new and exciting progress we are making with the future of PAUX. We haven't had to rescue any animals lately;
However, due to the clients that needed legal help due to injustices in the legal system we formed a new outreach group to break off and deal with just those needs. We call it AfterMath for victims who are being victimized by the system.
Keep thanking God for our new place and ability to begin psychotherapy with horses on our place. Deacon Lee is also looking at getting a associates degree in criminal justice. Please keep all this in prayer as we go into the fall. Praise the Lord, all His people!

Check with our PATA link for current updates.

We hope to update this page often with new photos.

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